Friday, April 18, 2008

This blog will be temporarily quiet...

The bus to New Orleans leaves tonight, and unless there is a Denny's with a WiFi hotspot somewhere along the line -- no posts until Sunday evening.

But if there is a Denny's, I will do two things:

a) Update the blog if necessary
b) Two words: Lumberjack Slam


Frank Appleyard said...

Show that lumberjack slam who's boss! Damn I love Denny's...

Emma said...

Do any even exist in Ottawa anymore? Must investigate.

Jason A. Chiu said...


Sarah said...

Well at least the Lumberjack Slam was second in your list of things to do. Way to prioritize ;-)

Have fun in the big easy!!

Nick said...

Denny's in Memphis did happen, for the record. But after a night and a day and a night and a morning, I can barely remember it.

It was, however, delicious.

The action down here gets going tomorrow.